Thursday, March 20, 2014

It was gadget day and a cool experiment we had such a great day doing new things like oil and water they just don't bond together . Here are some great photos of water and oil.

I liked doing this and having gadget day T. H. A. N. K. Y. O. U to Whaea Sam
You're the best teacher ever!!!
By Devan:)

Bake Sale

This has been a busy week. This morning we had lots of lovely baking arrive in Room 7 and 8. The two classes then walked their baking down to the Burnham community hall ready to be sold. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Gadget day

We have again earned enough simley faces for our next reward.  We have decided we are having a gadget day on Friday 21 March.  For safe keeping the gadget will be kept with Whaea Sam when it is not in use.  Please label your gadget or extra parts.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Spelling words Term 1 week 7

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Friday, March 14, 2014

Kiwiana Flashmob

Mrs. Keenan was playing some very old music over the speakers this week, so Room 7 & 8 decided to show her how it was really done. Singing bits of three songs, Ten Guitars, Gumboots and Alice. We managed to sneak into the office without her hearing us until we started singing. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Camp Gear List

Year 4 / 5 / 6  Camp
Woodend Christian Camp
Monday 31st March - Wednesday 2 April

Please arrive at school dressed in comfortable clothing and sensible appropriate shoes.

What to bring
A healthy packed lunch (for Monday)
A full drink bottle
sleeping bag
day pack
t shirt x 2
warm long sleeve top
warm long pants
warm socks x3
underwear x3
wet weather gear - jacket at least
warm hat and gloves
togs + rash top
a packet of biscuits or home baking
School vest

Please do not bring any valuable items, electronics or money.
(Including NO PSP’s, MP3’s,or gaming consoles)
You may bring a packet of cards, small board games or drawing materials that fit in your backpack.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Spelling term 1 week 5

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Thursday, March 6, 2014

The science experiment .

We do science experiments every Friday . So see what we have have done.

So this is what we have done. We put milk into a bowl and then put food dye into the bowl of milk. Then we watched our teacher put dish washing liquid and then the food dye moved all around. This was because dish washing doesn't like fat.

Term 1 week5 spelling

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