Nau mai haere mai ki te wharangi reo Maori o ruma whitu! - Welcome to room 7's Maori language page!
Room 7 will be using this page for all the Te Reo Maori we learn in class. I will upload our sentence for the week so you can come and practice online. This will include the written version and also a recording of me saying the sentence using the correct pronunciation.
I will also put helpful links and resources on this page so you can access them from home!
All new karakia and waiata we learn in class will be available from this page too. Please come back and visit as many times as you can each week!
Kia tau te mauri koutou!
Week One Sentences:
Tena Koe
Kei te pehea koe?
Kei te _______ ahau!
Ko te aha tenei ra?
Ko te _______ tenei ra!
Ka kite!
Week Two Sentences:
He aha tenei/enei?
He __________ tena/ena!
Kei hea te _______?
Kei runga/raro/roto/waho/muri/mua i te _______!