Saturday, February 26, 2011

Room 7 Support

Kia Ora Koutou!

It has been a long week and I hope that you and your whanau are all safe and sound. Burnham School is opening tomorrow and I want to offer all my support and guidance to anyone who needs it. Tomorrow will be a day of reflection and remembrance to all of those who have suffered for any reason as a result of the earthquake and my aroha goes out to these people. As a supportive classroom, room 7 is a safe place for anyone who may be feeling the need for help, guidance or even a korero. So nau mai, haere mai, our door is always open! See you all tomorrow, Kia Kaha and Arohanui ki a koutou!

Matua Nathan

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

my goal is to finish my work on time

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Water Polo for Kids

Perfect timing to give the kids a new experience and a great work out - check out water polo at Wharenui Pool this Sunday or the 20th Feb. This would be a great chance to help develop swimming skills and I guarantee the kids will sleep well on the night!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Some Work from Ruma Whitu

Kia Ora Koutou!

Here are some images of work that has been done by room 7 so far. We have completed our classroom treaty (Te Tiriti o Ruma 7) and have also made these shields that represent who we are as individuals. This all helps to create a safe whanau based learning environment within the classroom. We are currently designing and making identity masks and I will put up pictures as soon as we get through these. Watch this space!

Matua Nathan

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Fantastic First Week Back

Kia Ora Students, parents/caregivers,

What a great start to the year! It has been awesome getting to know you all in the past few days! I hope you have all had fun Our main focus for last week was getting to know each other in the classroom. We will be continuing on with this by building on these relationships in order to create a whanau based learning environment where all of the students will feel safe to learn in the upcoming week. I will have photos of all artwork we have done up on our class blog soon so please visit regularly! I look forward to seeing you all bright and early on Monday next week! Parents/caregivers, please feel free to come in and see/meet me any time, just email me in advance if it's outside classroom hours.

Kia Tau te Mauri Koutou

Na Matua Nathan

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Water Polo for Kids

Perfect timing to give the kids a new experience and a great work out - check out water polo at Wharenui Pool this Sunday or the 20th Feb. This would be a great chance to help develop swimming skills and I guarantee the kids will sleep well on the night!


Today every class got their own swan plant and a couple of new 'enrollments' of some monarch caterpillars. Here are some photos:
Thanks to Laura who brought in these caterpillars.